Global code of conduct & ethics
As a corporate citizen, Foundever understands our responsibility to comply with our high level of internal ethics and compliance standards which serve as the foundation of ethical leadership in our organization, and reflect our substantial commitment to upholding laws, regulations and industry standards thus earning trust from our external and internal stakeholders at all times.
We have a zero-tolerance for unethical behavior and corruption in any form. Any possible conduct violations viewed as unethical, illegal, in violation of professional standards or otherwise inconsistent with Foundever policies and procedures, which may affect the moral or physical integrity of its employees, can be reported using EthicsPoint for further investigation. This third-party, 24-hour hotline is available to report ethical violations confidentialy.
Global Policies
Global governance helps address issues that affect all countries regardless of borders. Our policies and procedures provide tangible evidence of intended practices that are consistent with Foundever values, and are regularly reviewed, evaluated and updated. These policies help our associates with their jobs, move the organization towards a common goal with consistency, compliance, quality assurance and improvement.